Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What is Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC)?

The following blurb was originally used for my fundraising page, however the information will still be helpful. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have questions.

Welcome to my Jesuit Volunteer Corps Fundraising page! Over the course of my last two years at Spring Hill College, I found myself with an increasing desire to grow closer to God. Through self-search and through the Spring Hill Awakening Program (SHAPe), I continued my exploration in faith.  As I became closer with one of my best friends, I learned of her sister’s adventures in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.  Shortly after Thanksgiving, I started to think about what to do with the rest of my life. At work one evening, I found myself on the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) Web site and with each click, thought and reflection, I felt more called to a year of service. But what does this service entail? What excites me about this year? The year as a Jesuit Volunteer focuses on four different ideals:
  • Community: In this coming year, all of the Jesuit Volunteers (JVs) live together in a community, working together to grow in faith and love.  The communities make group decisions to work together on various projects throughout their own city or around the country.  Additionally, JVs from all four of the domestic regions gather twice a year for a community wide retreat.
  • Spirituality: Through a variety of individual and community activities, retreats and reflections, JVs spend a year growing in their faith, becoming closer to God and doing God’s work.
  • Simple Living: Each Jesuit Volunteer Community spends a year learning to live and love the basics of life. Living on a tight budget and not always in the most wonderful neighborhoods, JVs learn what it is to live a truly simplistic life. Through this lifestyle, JVs work to help the poor while living among the poor – working to fully enjoy each blessing in life. 
  • Social Justice: Each year, JVs become more aware of issues that are present in today’s society both domestically and internationally. For example, one year Jesuit Volunteer Corps – San Antonio (TX) traveled to Fort Benning / Columbus, Georgia to protest the School of the Americas / WHINSEC. In addition, many of the placements for JVs are within organizations that are bringing justice and voice to those that in many cases cannot be heard. 
Each of these four values help JVs to truly live a JVC life, enriched with the love and support from the JVC Community. With each day my excitement and faith grows more to begin such a wonderful year-long adventure. So now that you know what JVC is all about, you are probably wondering what I am doing as a member of JVC. I will be working in Austin, Texas with Catholic Charities of Central Texas as a Case Manager.  I am looking forward to being part of the first JVC community in Austin.  Throughout this summer, Jesuit Volunteer Corps has asked that we, as incoming JVs, raise awareness and funds for the organization so that the organization can continue to grow, continue to help communities across the nation and the world, and continue to help volunteers grow.  Please help me raise money for the Austin community’s inaugural year as we begin our adventure becoming “the change [we] want to see the world” –Gandhi.

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, love, support and assistance,
Elizabeth Farren


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