Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We've Been Here a Month?

JVC - Austin House: (back row): Joel, Monroe, Rachel
(front row): Pamela, Elizabeth

September 20

Howdy Y’all!

It’s hard to believe we’ve been here a month already. On August 10, Monroe and I adventured from Dallas to Pinehurst, Texas to begin our year as Jesuit Volunteers. Finally meeting our other housemates late that night, the five of us became fast friends. The next five days were filled with getting to one another, learning about JVC and spending time with other communities, which range from Houston to El Paso to Georgia and randomly, South Dakota.

On Sunday, we adventured to what would be our home for the next year. Two and half-hours later we were welcomed with opened arms to the live music capital of the world. We spent Monday and Tuesday getting a crash course on where specific places are located in Austin. Wednesday came quicker than any of us could have imagined and away we went to work. Pamela works for Casa Marinella, an organization that provides emergency shelter for immigrants, especially ones seeking asylum. Monroe works at Casa’s sister organization, Posada, which is an emergency shelter for women and children. Rachel is spending her year at St. Louise House, which just transitioned to permanent supportive housing from women and children. And finally, Joel and I work at Catholic Charities of Central Texas. Monday through Wednesday, we work as Case Managers and Thursdays and Fridays, we work as Food Pantry Assistants.

Summer Nutrition Program
boxes line the wait area
of the food pantry.
Starting next week, we will get our first cases. Spending care time with each client to help with everything from budgeting to accomplishing personal goals they set aside, such as finding a job or setting a plan to rid themselves of debt. The Catholic Charities’ Food Pantry, whose official name is the Angels of Hope Food Pantry is open every Thursday and Friday. Every second and fourth Thursday we serve our senior clients. This group can also include anyone receiving Social Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). The first and third Thursdays we help to distribute summer nutrition boxes for local families with at least one child directly related to them, under the age of 18 living in the house. Then, every Friday, we are open to the general public. Clients have to meet specific requirements in order to be served a second time, however anyone can come in for one time food assistance or an emergency food bags.  

However, our adventures around Austin have not been all work-related. We’ve discovered Yellow Bike Project, an organization that teaches people how to repair and fix their own bikes. Rachel, Pamela and I have biked Lady Bird Trail – I dragged Monroe back a few days later. Speaking of random adventures, we have attended the Bat Festival, which is on the Congress Street bridge, home to one of the largest urban habitation of bats in the world, and we even got to go to a minor league baseball game.

Joel, Monroe, Pamela & myself at a Round Rock Express Game.
Fear not, we are not just mingling within our little community. We have gotten to know our direct next-door neighbors: the four graduate students are part of the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program out of the University of Notre Dame. We have also had visitors, two Jesuit Volunteers and a co-workers of one visited us from Houston over the Labor Day weekend. 



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