Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"This I Believe"

This I Believe, Inc., was founded in 2004 as a not-for-profit organization that engages youth and adults from all walks of life in writing, sharing, and discussing brief essays about the core values that guide their daily lives.

This I Believe is based on a 1950s radio program of the same name, hosted by acclaimed journalist Edward R. Murrow. Each day, Americans gathered by their radios to hear compelling essays from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller, and Harry Truman as well as corporate leaders, cab drivers, scientists, and secretaries—anyone able to distill into a few minutes the guiding principles by which they lived. These essayists’ words brought comfort and inspiration to a country worried about the Cold War, McCarthyism, and racial division. (These essays are now featured in weekly broadcasts on Bob Edwards‘ satellite and public radio shows.)

In reviving This I Believe, executive producer Dan Gediman says, “The goal is not to persuade Americans to agree on the same beliefs. Rather, the hope is to encourage people to begin the much more difficult task of developing respect for beliefs different from their own.”

-Taken from This I Believe Web site.

For Spirituality Night, Monroe lead us to writing our own "This I Believe" and this is what I came up with:

This I Believe - Farren Style 

I believe in loofa days and great days, in sad days and happy days and that at the base of it all, each day is a gift.

I believe that mountains are just giant hills and that there is more than one way to get to the summit.

I believe in the quiet ocean and the power of the approaching storm.

Saturday's "make me happy" activity.
I believe in patience leading to rewards beyond comprehension. I believe in chasing your dreams with full speed ahead.

I believe in never holding back, but instead sharing your story, your hopes, your trials and your tribulations.

I believe in the power of a hug and doing something everyday to make you happy.

I believe that nervousness calmed by a kind soul that is to confused to notice any worry, but only notice friendship helps heal a soul.

I believe in a blanket of peace over the Earth woven by people who are ready to make a change.


I believe in self-happiness with a dose of reality.

I believe in happiness that breaks through the façade so many place before themselves.

I believe in curiosity, questioning and doubt, but knowing all will be okay.

I believe in challenges that enrich the soul and change the heart.


I believe in love: a love that carries you in hard times and good. A love of best friends and soul mates, of families and strangers; a love to risk all for, to cross the country with your thumb waving in the wind.

I believe that all types of love, lost love, forgotten love and unrequited love exist in the world.

I believe that at the end of the day everyone can go to sleep knowing they are loved.

Geoff, Heather, Emily, David and I at Dr. Bordas' in April.
I believe that standing up for your greatest belief is the maximum display of love.

I believe in friendships so strong that I know something is wrong from miles away.

I believe in surrounding yourself with good friends, good food and love to melt away your problems.

Good Spirited

I believe in the goodness found in all, even those who hurt and have been hurt.

I believe in second chances; but I understand protecting oneself.

I believe that judgment before being in someone else’s shoes is wrong.  I believe that accidents happen more often than we realize and that our love for one another is what carries us on. I believe in realizing the difference between perception and reality.

Someone Else Knows

I believe in the power of music to echo our thoughts and the weather to remind us that someone is listening.

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