Thursday, October 4, 2012

DMN Sounding Off Quote

For several months now I have attempted to answer the Sounding Off question for the NeighborsGo section of the Dallas Morning News. Below is this week's question and my answer. 

Some school districts, including Dallas ISD, have increased the number of magnet campuses, preparatory academies and special programs in recent years. What is your opinion on this trend? Should more schools consider these programs, or is a “traditional” school format the way to go?

Answer: For many students, the traditional public school structure works well and graduates of many DISD schools are able to become functioning members of society and in many cases successful individuals.

On the other hand, there are a portion of students that traditional school structure does not fit them best. It is for these students that magnet, prepartory academies and special programs need to exist. I work with students from the local magnet programs and I am continully impressed by their knowledge and ability to use their education.  

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