Sunday, April 1, 2012

One day without shoes

This is the first year in several that I will not be able to fully participate in One Day Without Shoes, an international day in order to try to understand what millions of children encounter daily - a life without shoes.

Started by TOMS, a footwear and eyewear movement, people are asked to live their normal day, but without shoes. Not only is the day completely humbling, but for me it helps to put my life in perspective.

Imagine going through life without shoes - no matter where you are, there is dirt, rocks and not always the soft reprieve of grass, just imagine encountering all that without shoes. Each year I am able to challenge myself a little further and enjoy the day from a different perspective.

My first One Day Without Shoes I was on Spring Hill's campus. By that point in my college career I was vary familiar with the campus and knew what places what to avoid when I adventured barefoot. My lesson for that year was not only the pain that came through my body via my feet, but how many people who do not have shoes find themselves having to take circuitous routes in order to not injure themselves or worse become ill from the exposure their feet have endured.

My second time I was living in Austin, although familiar with the route I took to work - I decided to further challenge myself and only take public transportation that day. My roommate Pamela joined me for my second half of my day - where we walked from my work to the University of Texas to the Texas State Capitol and then took the city bus home.

Let's just say I know the secrets to crossing busy streets without shoes, I know that grass no matter how small the patch is an absolute gift and that I am very lucky to have my shoes - no matter which pair I am referencing.

I honestly encourage anyone and everyone who can to participate in One Day Without Shoes. If you can only participate for only one hour that is wonderful or if your life allows you to participate for the whole 24 hours I encourage you go that route. Do what you can and challenge yourself in new ways.

Starting last year, TOMS placed a portion of their website which is dedicated to helping organize people in different cities to walk together and advocate for people without shoes - the list of events can be found via the Day Without Shoes website.

Think you might be the only one with a desire to go sans shoes? According to the TOMS website and the 2012 One Day Without Shoes trailer people from over 25 countries and over 1,000 events were planed worldwide to bring about awareness.

But what I learned most about my Day(s) Without Shoes is that there is always a different perspective. For Americans we have grown-up with shoes, we put them on and go into the world, go to work, school or the store. For a majority of children in development nations, they go into the world without shoes, many denied access to schooling because of no shoes - now that's a different perspective.

So what will you do on April 10 this year? An adventure sans shoes might be a step in the right direction towards understanding what it is like to be in someone else's shoes. 

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