Thursday, March 3, 2011

What We Do

JVC: South Members at Orientation
August 2010 - Pinehurst, Texas
Ever wondered what Jesuit Volunteers (JVs) do around the United States? Serving in over 20 states and over 34 cities, JVs work in a variety of areas from Case Management to working in homeless shelters to being Radio DJs. Speaking of Radio DJs, Mike O’Sullivan, a current Jesuit Volunteer serving is St. Francis, SD puts together a weekly radio show for the St. Francis Mission; where he and his three house mates live and work. 

In the particular episode we are highlighting, Mike took his show to the Jesuit Voluteer Corps: South retreat and asked JVs what they are doing. Listen to Mike’s show to learn a little bit about what we do.

Whether you are interested in joining JVC or if you just want to know where we work. Pop a squat a listen and never be afraid to ask us questions. For those of you pondering JVC for next year, the last round of apps are due March 10; so get to reflecting, writing and pondering what it means to be “ruined for life.”

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