Saturday, March 19, 2011

Placement Spotlight: Saint Louise House

Jesuit Volunteers (JVs) are usually individuals who want to make a difference in their community, to be a voice for those who are voiceless or even those who find themselves passionate about one particular issue in today’s society.

One of the Austin placements is Saint Louise House, an organization that helps women and children overcome the cycle of homelessness. Just recently developing from a transitional housing to a permanent support housing organization, Saint Louise House helps women and children break the cycle of homelessness and begin living again. Owning two apartment complexes in Austin, allows for the Saint Louise community to house over 40 families. For many of these women, they are just trying to turn their lives around and provide the best they can for their children.

Saint Louise House is rare in the extreme care and love the show their families. The organization has offices at both apartment buildings that are staffed full time, allowing their families to have someone to talk with about any problems they may encounter. Additionally, the mothers have available to them “deeply affordable housing, case management, counseling, employment services, life skills training and programs for children,” according to Saint Louise House. When the women first open the door to their own apartment, it comes fully furnished. For many of Saint Louise’s residents they are experiencing having their own home for the first time in quite a while.

The community created by the residents, staff and volunteers of Saint Louise House helps support these women and the changes they are taking on in their lives. The organization also provides classes to the women with childcare for their children. Providing a stable environment for these families is a beginning steps to beginning a new life.

For more information take a quick look at Saint Louise House or check out their Web site.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What We Do

JVC: South Members at Orientation
August 2010 - Pinehurst, Texas
Ever wondered what Jesuit Volunteers (JVs) do around the United States? Serving in over 20 states and over 34 cities, JVs work in a variety of areas from Case Management to working in homeless shelters to being Radio DJs. Speaking of Radio DJs, Mike O’Sullivan, a current Jesuit Volunteer serving is St. Francis, SD puts together a weekly radio show for the St. Francis Mission; where he and his three house mates live and work. 

In the particular episode we are highlighting, Mike took his show to the Jesuit Voluteer Corps: South retreat and asked JVs what they are doing. Listen to Mike’s show to learn a little bit about what we do.

Whether you are interested in joining JVC or if you just want to know where we work. Pop a squat a listen and never be afraid to ask us questions. For those of you pondering JVC for next year, the last round of apps are due March 10; so get to reflecting, writing and pondering what it means to be “ruined for life.”