Thursday, December 15, 2011

Defense of the Hippie

As much as Lady Gaga can grate on my nervous, she certainly had something right - "Born This Way." Everyone is born a little different, or as we are told growing up, "you are special and no one is like you."

As I have adventured through life, I am fairly certain people assumed I am crazy or at the very least weird. I know I went through the awkward teenage years, especially when I tried to mix the comfy, hippie look with the classic clothes in my closet. For the most part, I hit the normal phases in life - moving to college, getting my first car, first job, etc.

But recently, I have been hitting some phases a little early or late, depending on how you want to look at it. I'm dealing with the second peak of my bizarre phobias, as I am dealing with the stress of a new job, while in the wake of completing a half marathon. And all this got me thinking.

Growing up is stressful; but what I've discovered is that it is much more stressful when one tries to conform to society and what other people want for them. I am a pretty happy person who loves life, but I love it even more when people don't tell me what to do, how to live my life or try to fix me.

This week, I was told I would be shunned by society if I kept my phobias up. Sorry, let me go dig around in my brain for the "phobia switch." If only I could get in the back corner.

Society has such a cookie cutter idea of what each person should be like. All blondes should be ditzy and stupid. If I wear glasses people will think I am smarter, but if I wear them all the time then I will be thought of as a nerd. The list goes on and on; but all the cookie cutter idea accomplishes is depriving creativity.

In fact creativity is thought of as weird, that is unless you make money being creative. What kind of society is that? You can only be creative if you dress certain way, think that way and act within the guidelines.

I encourage the promotion of self. I am the last one to promote self esteem; but I am certainly someone who can encourage searching for yourself. If you want to continue following the cookie cutter way, feel free to do so; but don't harp on those who express themselves differently. Who are you to judge?

As long as the job gets done on time, as long as the "weirdos" are still healthy and functioning - who cares are we get there. I know I don't.