Tuesday, October 4, 2011

United Under Facebook

This past month, Facebook introduced its users to its whole new look - new friend lists, larger pictures on the News Feed page and the beginning of the Timeline concept.

As the new formatting began creeping into our lives, so did the upset Facebook patrons, wondering where to readjust their privacy settings, what "subscribing" means and stating their opinions on the larger pictures.

As we have all learned with any time of uproar or protest, get a few unhappy people started and few more will follow. But with outlets like Facebook a few hundred more will following. The complaints, confusion and frustrations piled onto my news feed like a line of Starbucks patrons from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. waiting for their coffee and not afraid to voice their opinion.

What I found most interesting among Facebook users is the unity to stand up and give their opinion, out in the open for all to read. I wonder if half of the vocal Facebook patrons are half as willing to share their opinions on politics, war and other controversial issues. And if so; is Facebook the match that starts the fire? Does take it Facebook and layout changes to unite our generation to voice its opinion. I certainly hope not.

Following the Facebook layout changes, several issues came to national limelight - which were completely unrelated to the change in the most popular social network. Would Americans had been as vocal about these issues if Facebook had not changed days before? Were we united with a previous national event - the changes in Facebook; really? I certainly hope not.

So what I am really asking is if our generation can only be united through Facebook; and if so, is it flame for change caused by some Facebook activity that leads to the Facebook users to make a stand against other issues in our society.

Do we only unite together because of a website like Facebook; is it that influencing? If so, Facebook should have a new change each week, so we begin our weeks with a Facebook rant and then begin to tell people how we feel about current, political and social issues, such as education, taxes and the economy.

We should be a generation who care about more than where our pictures are, where our friends can be "found" or what music someone is listening to; but instead work to change the issues we really care about - we all have something to be passionate about. So go find your passions and enjoy changing your life.