Saturday, July 2, 2011

JVC: Austin (Texas) takes on South Dakota

Towards the beginning of our year as Jesuit Volunteers, Casa Dorothy Day (also known as the JVC: Austin community) came up with a plan to visit to another Jesuit Volunteer community in St Francis, South Dakota. The following are stories of our adventures and how we grew to truly appreciate living in Austin, Texas.

Friday, June 18

We left Austin around 6 p.m. and made our way to Dallas. Fortunately for us, Monroe is also from Dallas. So between the two homes we were able to stay in Dallas on Friday.

Saturday, June 19

4:45 a.m. - Wake-up alarms sound. I asked my community members to text me when all four of them were awake; I found this to be especially helpful in preventing my waiting in the lobby of my mother's residence.

5:45 a.m. - We hit the open road heading North on IH-35 towards Oklahoma.

The rest of the day was filled with beautiful views of Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and the excitement of finally reaching our destination. We stopped every once and a while for gas and even found a locally owned sub shop to pick-up lunch from somewhere in Kansas. But for the most part, our trip was filled with seeing the Midwest of the United States.

8:45 p.m. - We arrive to Saint Francis, South Dakota. Just over the South Dakota / Nebraska state line; St. Francis, South Dakota is part of the Lakota Reservation. Arriving in time for a home cooked meal and a beautiful sunset, we took the rest of the evening to catch up with our fellow Jesuit Volunteers and just relax after an 18 hour road trip.

Sunday, June 20

We began our day by attending the local church, found only one block from the JV house. Painted a bright shade of lavender the Jesuit church provides a wonderful since of community and source of spirituality for members of it's congregation. The attendance is small enough at this church, the priest felt the need to explain the presence of five new attendees. Following the service, we were welcomed to attend the celebration of a local deacon, who was celebrating 35 years of service.

The mid-afternoon brought our real adventures. Eight of us pilled into a St. Francis Mission van and headed off to Mt. Rushmore National Park. Driving through towns such as Wall, South Dakota we weaved our way through the state to see George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. While there we saw a video about the carving of the sculptures and the Black Hills. We also completed the hiking trail. This trail allowed us to see a different perspective of the presidents.

On the way back from Mount Rushmore, we stopped in Rapid City at Firehouse Brewery Co. for dinner and live music. During our drive back to St. Francis we saw the most beautiful lightening and thunderstorm. The lightening strikes the lit up the sky so you could see the land all around.

Monday, June 20 

We took this chance to sleep in and enjoy local life. We adventured to the Lakota Museum located a block away from the Jesuit Volunteer community home. We then traveled to Mission, South Dakota to a local art gallery and to the grocery store. Realizing that the store did not have everything we needed, we continued our shopping Valentine, Nebraska. Following our trip to Valentine, we went to the Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge and were able to see buffalo within 20 feet of our car. At the end of the day, we came home and Casa Dorothy Day cooked enchiladas and just spent quality time together for the rest of the evening.

Tuesday, June 21
First Day of Summer

Two of the South Dakota Jesuit Volunteers (JVs) joined us as we adventured to the Badlands National Park. Because it was the first day of summer, we did not have to pay an entrance fee - which we double appreciated as JVs.

Once inside the park, we stopped by the Vistors Center and then drove to a parking lot that would allow us to divide into two different groups. Pamela, Maggie (a SD JV) and Rachel went the more adventurous route, while Monroe, Joel, Neil (a SD JV) and I adventured more towards the sauntering route.

Once back on the Reservation, we swung by the local radio station, where on the current JVs works. The KINI station serves as the main means of communication on the Lakota Reservation.

Wednesday, June 22 

5:30 a.m. - We left St. Francis, S.D. and headed back to Austin, Texas.
By 7:00 a.m. - Navigator, at the moment played by myself to Pamela's driver, had us going on an alternate route. The plus side, we didn't loose any time and we got to see an entirely differently parts of Nebraska and Kansas.
10:15 p.m. - Pulled over for going 5 miles over the speed limit. When the cop learned of where we began our trip that day, we allowed us to go with a
non-financial warning and he reminded us to be safe.
11:00 p.m. - Home Sweet Home, Back in hot Austin, Texas.

Lessons Learned:
-Just how awesome Mount Rushmore is and that it took to build it
- A bit about the Lakota Reservation
-How far apart everything is in South Dakota and really everywhere in the Mid-West
-How beautiful the United States is
-But most importantly, that we can survive over 50 hours in the car together and that we love each other even more after the trip.